
Binger, Louis-Gustave. 1889. Carte du Haut-Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi. Paris: Service géographique des colonies.

Binger, Louis-Gustave. 1892. Du Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi, 1887–1889. Paris: Hachette.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1959. “Le ‘Poro’ des Dièli.” Bulletin de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire (Sciences humaines) 21: 61–101.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1965. “Les masques senoufo de la forme à la signification.” Bulletin de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire (Sciences humaines) 27: 636–77.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1973. Ivory Coast: The Supernatural Within Reach. Paris: Connaissance des voyages; Abidjan: Ivory Coast Ministry of State for Tourism.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1993. “The Poro of the Senufo.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 1: 54–85, 413. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Boutin, Pierre. 2014. “Comment se constituent les collections: l’exemple sénoufo.” Afrique: Archéologie & Arts 10: 43-66.

Clozel, François J. 1906. Dix ans à la Côte d’Ivoire. Paris: A. Challamel, Librairie Maritime et Coloniale.

Colin-Noguès, Renée. 2006. Sénoufo du Mali, Kènèdougou, terre de lumière. Exh. cat. Bamako: Musée national du Mali.

Convers, Michel. 1991. “L’aventure de Massa en pays senufo. Entretien avec Bertrand Goy.” Primitifs: Art Tribal, Art Moderne 6: 24–34.

Convers, Michel. 1997. “In the Wake of the Massa Movement among the Senufo.” World of Tribal Arts 3, 4: 52–66.

De Grunne, Bernard. 2014. Senufo: Champion Cultivator Staffs. Brussels: Bernard de Grunne.

Delafosse, Maurice. 1908. “Le peuple siéna ou sénoufo.” Revue des études ethnographiques et sociologiques 1: 16–32.

Delafosse, Maurice. 1909. “Le peuple siéna ou sénoufo.” Revue des études ethnographiques et sociologiques 2: 1–21.

Förster, Till. 1988. Die Kunst der Senufo, Museum Rietberg Zürich, aus Schweizer Sammlungen. Zurich: Museum Rietberg.

Förster, Till. 1993. “Senufo Masking and the Art of Poro.” African Arts 26, 1: 30–41, 101.

Förster, Till. 1997. Zerrissene Entfaltung: Alltag, Ritual und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen im Norden der Côte d’Ivoire. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth. 2014. Senufo Unbound: Dynamics of Art and Identity in West Africa. Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art; Milan: 5 Continents Editions.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth. 2020. “Mapping Senufo: Mapping as a Method to Transcend Colonial Assumptions.” In The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, edited by Kathryn Brown, New York: Routledge, 135-54.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth, and Joanna Gardner-Huggett. 2017. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Spatial Art History in the Digital Realm.” Historical Geography 45: 17-36.

Glaze, Anita J. 1978. “Senufo Ornament and Decorative Arts.” African Arts 12, 1: 63–71, 107–8.

Glaze, Anita J. 1981a. Art and Death in a Senufo Village. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Glaze, Anita J. 1981b. “Door.” In For Spirits and Kings: African Art from the Paul and Ruth Tishman Collection, edited by Susan Mullin Vogel, 51, cat. 24. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Glaze, Anita J. 1986. “Dialectics of Gender in Senufo Masquerades.” African Arts 19, 3: 30-39, 82.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993a. “Senufo: Helmet Mask with Female Figure.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 14, cat. 7. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993b. “Senufo: Janus Helmet Mask (wanyugo).” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 19, cat. 12. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993c. “Senufo: Kpeliyɛɛ Mask.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 11, cat. 1. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993d. “Senufo: Poro Society Female Figure.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 22, cat. 17. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993e. “Senufo.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 1: 30-53, 413. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Goldwater, Robert J. 1964. Senufo Sculpture from West Africa. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society.

Gottschalk, Burkhard. 2002. Sénoufo: Massa et les statues du poro. Düsseldorf: Ursula Gottschalk.

Goy, Bertrand. 2012. Côte d’Ivoire. Premiers regards sur la sculpture, 1850–1935. Paris: Schoffel Valluet.

Himmelheber, Hans. 1954/55. “Massa: Fetisch der Rechtschaffenheit.” Tribus 4/5: 56–62.

Holas, Bohumil. 1957. Les Sénoufo, y compris les Minianka. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.

Kjersmeier, Carl. 1935. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre africaine. Vol. 1. Paris: éditions Albert Morancé; Copenhagen: Illums Bog-Afdeling.

Knops, Pierre. 1980. Les anciens Sénufo, 1923–1935. Berg en Dal: Afrika Museum.

Lamp, Frederick J., ed. 2004. See the Music, Hear the Dance: Rethinking African Art at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Munich: Prestel.

Lem, Frédéric-Henri. 1949. Sudanese Sculpture. Paris: Arts et métiers graphiques.

Maesen, Albert. 1946. “De plastiek in de kultuur van de Senufo van de Ivoorkunst (Fransch West Afrika).” PhD diss., Ghent University.

Ouattara, Tiona Ferdinand. 1979. “Débats et controverses. Moyens et méthodes de l’histoire des Sénoufo. Appréciations critiques de l’œuvre de Bohumil Holas, ethnologue des Sénoufo.” Godo godo 4: 122–34.

Tautain, Louis Frédéric Emile. 1887. “Le Dioula-dougou et le Senefo.” Revue d’ethnographie 6: 395–99.

Veirman, Anja. 2001a. “‘Here a Boy Always Becomes a Sculptor, Like His Father’: Albert Maesen and the Study of the Art of the Senufo.” In Frans M. Olbrechts 1899–1958: In Search of Art in Africa, edited by Constantine Petridis, 268–87. Antwerp: Ethnographic Museum.

Veirman, Anja. 2001b. “‘In Search of Not Gold and Ivory, but Art and Artists’: Olbrechts and the Expeditions to West Africa (1933 and 1938–39).” In Frans M. Olbrechts (1899–1958): In Search of Art in Africa, edited by Constantine Petridis, 234–53. Antwerp: Ethnographic Museum.

Zempléni, András. 1995. “How to Say Things with Assertive Acts?: About Some Pragmatic Properties of Senufo Divination.” In Beyond Textuality: Ascetism and Violence in Anthropological Interpretation, edited by Gilles Bibeau and Ellen E. Corin, 233–49. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.


Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth, and Constantine Petridis. “Bibliography.” In Mapping Senufo. Atlanta: Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, 2015–. (01 November 2020), accessed 22 October 2024.


Binger, Louis-Gustave. 1889. Carte du Haut-Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi. Paris: Service géographique des colonies.

Binger, Louis-Gustave. 1892. Du Niger au golfe de Guinée par le pays de Kong et le Mossi, 1887–1889. Paris: Hachette.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1959. “Le ‘Poro’ des Dièli.” Bulletin de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire (Sciences humaines) 21: 61–101.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1965. “Les masques senoufo de la forme à la signification.” Bulletin de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire (Sciences humaines) 27: 636–77.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1973. Ivory Coast: The Supernatural Within Reach. Paris: Connaissance des voyages; Abidjan: Ivory Coast Ministry of State for Tourism.

Bochet, Gilbert. 1993. “The Poro of the Senufo.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 1: 54–85, 413. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Boutin, Pierre. 2014. “Comment se constituent les collections: l’exemple sénoufo.” Afrique: Archéologie & Arts 10: 43-66.

Clozel, François J. 1906. Dix ans à la Côte d’Ivoire. Paris: A. Challamel, Librairie Maritime et Coloniale.

Colin-Noguès, Renée. 2006. Sénoufo du Mali, Kènèdougou, terre de lumière. Exh. cat. Bamako: Musée national du Mali.

Convers, Michel. 1991. “L’aventure de Massa en pays senufo. Entretien avec Bertrand Goy.” Primitifs: Art Tribal, Art Moderne 6: 24–34.

Convers, Michel. 1997. “In the Wake of the Massa Movement among the Senufo.” World of Tribal Arts 3, 4: 52–66.

De Grunne, Bernard. 2014. Senufo: Champion Cultivator Staffs. Brussels: Bernard de Grunne.

Delafosse, Maurice. 1908. “Le peuple siéna ou sénoufo.” Revue des études ethnographiques et sociologiques 1: 16–32.

Delafosse, Maurice. 1909. “Le peuple siéna ou sénoufo.” Revue des études ethnographiques et sociologiques 2: 1–21.

Förster, Till. 1988. Die Kunst der Senufo, Museum Rietberg Zürich, aus Schweizer Sammlungen. Zurich: Museum Rietberg.

Förster, Till. 1993. “Senufo Masking and the Art of Poro.” African Arts 26, 1: 30–41, 101.

Förster, Till. 1997. Zerrissene Entfaltung: Alltag, Ritual und künstlerische Ausdrucksformen im Norden der Côte d’Ivoire. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth. 2014. Senufo Unbound: Dynamics of Art and Identity in West Africa. Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art; Milan: 5 Continents Editions.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth. 2020. “Mapping Senufo: Mapping as a Method to Transcend Colonial Assumptions.” In The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, edited by Kathryn Brown, New York: Routledge, 135-54.

Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth, and Joanna Gardner-Huggett. 2017. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Spatial Art History in the Digital Realm.” Historical Geography 45: 17-36.

Glaze, Anita J. 1978. “Senufo Ornament and Decorative Arts.” African Arts 12, 1: 63–71, 107–8.

Glaze, Anita J. 1981a. Art and Death in a Senufo Village. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Glaze, Anita J. 1981b. “Door.” In For Spirits and Kings: African Art from the Paul and Ruth Tishman Collection, edited by Susan Mullin Vogel, 51, cat. 24. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Glaze, Anita J. 1986. “Dialectics of Gender in Senufo Masquerades.” African Arts 19, 3: 30-39, 82.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993a. “Senufo: Helmet Mask with Female Figure.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 14, cat. 7. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993b. “Senufo: Janus Helmet Mask (wanyugo).” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 19, cat. 12. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993c. “Senufo: Kpeliyɛɛ Mask.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 11, cat. 1. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993d. “Senufo: Poro Society Female Figure.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 2: 22, cat. 17. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Glaze, Anita J. 1993e. “Senufo.” In Art of Côte d’Ivoire: From the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, edited by Jean Paul Barbier, 1: 30-53, 413. Geneva: Barbier-Mueller Museum.

Goldwater, Robert J. 1964. Senufo Sculpture from West Africa. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society.

Gottschalk, Burkhard. 2002. Sénoufo: Massa et les statues du poro. Düsseldorf: Ursula Gottschalk.

Goy, Bertrand. 2012. Côte d’Ivoire. Premiers regards sur la sculpture, 1850–1935. Paris: Schoffel Valluet.

Himmelheber, Hans. 1954/55. “Massa: Fetisch der Rechtschaffenheit.” Tribus 4/5: 56–62.

Holas, Bohumil. 1957. Les Sénoufo, y compris les Minianka. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.

Kjersmeier, Carl. 1935. Centres de style de la sculpture nègre africaine. Vol. 1. Paris: éditions Albert Morancé; Copenhagen: Illums Bog-Afdeling.

Knops, Pierre. 1980. Les anciens Sénufo, 1923–1935. Berg en Dal: Afrika Museum.

Lamp, Frederick J., ed. 2004. See the Music, Hear the Dance: Rethinking African Art at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Munich: Prestel.

Lem, Frédéric-Henri. 1949. Sudanese Sculpture. Paris: Arts et métiers graphiques.

Maesen, Albert. 1946. “De plastiek in de kultuur van de Senufo van de Ivoorkunst (Fransch West Afrika).” PhD diss., Ghent University.

Ouattara, Tiona Ferdinand. 1979. “Débats et controverses. Moyens et méthodes de l’histoire des Sénoufo. Appréciations critiques de l’œuvre de Bohumil Holas, ethnologue des Sénoufo.” Godo godo 4: 122–34.

Tautain, Louis Frédéric Emile. 1887. “Le Dioula-dougou et le Senefo.” Revue d’ethnographie 6: 395–99.

Veirman, Anja. 2001a. “‘Here a Boy Always Becomes a Sculptor, Like His Father’: Albert Maesen and the Study of the Art of the Senufo.” In Frans M. Olbrechts 1899–1958: In Search of Art in Africa, edited by Constantine Petridis, 268–87. Antwerp: Ethnographic Museum.

Veirman, Anja. 2001b. “‘In Search of Not Gold and Ivory, but Art and Artists’: Olbrechts and the Expeditions to West Africa (1933 and 1938–39).” In Frans M. Olbrechts (1899–1958): In Search of Art in Africa, edited by Constantine Petridis, 234–53. Antwerp: Ethnographic Museum.

Zempléni, András. 1995. “How to Say Things with Assertive Acts?: About Some Pragmatic Properties of Senufo Divination.” In Beyond Textuality: Ascetism and Violence in Anthropological Interpretation, edited by Gilles Bibeau and Ellen E. Corin, 233–49. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.


Gagliardi, Susan Elizabeth, and Constantine Petridis. “Bibliography.” In Mapping Senufo. Atlanta: Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, 2015–. (01 November 2020), accessed 22 October 2024.

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